
Make sure they can do the job

Requirements is a planning feature that allows you to refuse people from a job they are not allowed to do.

If you set a requirement on a Station, all jobs in all substations will have this requirement (trickle down).

If you set a requirement on a Substation, all jobs in that substation will have this requirement.

For now you can set these requirements:

  • Contact event: The member can't pick the job, but they can click the job button to contact the event. They can write a message. After saving this generates a job request which you can approve or deny. These only work when your shiftpicker setting is set to "Gamma" where people can choose the jobs they want to do.

  • Minimum age: People who do not have this minimum age can't pick this job to do, or set their preference to it.

  • Speak language: People who have not set this language(s) in their settings can't pick this job or preference.

  • Car driver's license: People who don't have a driver's license can't pick this job or preference.

Last updated