
This is the list of members in the planning context. The list shows all members with


The messages tab shows you all shiftpicker messages that have been made. The yellow indication shows that this message has not yet been marked as read.


This is the event company blocklist. Here you can find out who is blocked from the event (and other events from the company) and why.

Unblock if needed, just know that this will allow access to the other events too.

Double confirmation

Here you can find a page per possible status of the double confirmation of your members.

  • Never sent: The members you have never sent an email for double confirmation

  • Ready for sending: The members where you can send to, or send again to.

  • Awaiting response: The members who received an email and have not yet taken a decision.

  • Accepted: The members who have accepted their planning schedule

  • Rejected: The members who have rejected their planning schedule

Last updated