
Perform actions on thousands of objects with one click

The actions button of a filter will open up a page with a bunch of actions you can do on the resulting objects of that filter (members, ...).

Export to CSV

This allows you to export the resulting data to a CSV file. Once you selected this option you are presented with a list of what datapoints you can select on the resulting objects. Select the columns you need and click the "Start" button at the bottom of the page.

The platform will send you an email with a link to the CSV file once it's ready.

Bulk tag / untag

This action will tag or untag all resulting objects once. On the next page you can select the tag you want to use.

This is an action that is ran once. Do not confuse this with an automated tag.

Bulk assign / unassign rewards

This action will assign or unassign rewards to or from the resulting objects once. On the next page you can select the reward you want to use.

This is an action that is ran once. Do not confuse this with an automated reward.

Bulk give / ungive rewards

Same as the previous action, only now giving or ungiving (taking back) rewards.

Bulk lock / unlock

For members you can use this action to bulk lock or unlock their memberships.

Bulk request double confirmation of work schedule

For members you can use this action to request planning double confirmation in bulk.

Bulk open or close double confirmation pages

Use this to open or close those double confirmation pages for many people in 1 click.

Bulk approve / reset double confirmation

The title says what it does :)

Bulk assign food or beverage

Assign meals and drinks to people by the thousands at once.

Bulk (de)assign zones

You can assign zones to members. Use this action to do it in bulk.

Bulk add or remove visiting days

The resulting objects in this filter have visiting days. Use this action to add or remove visiting days in bulk.

Bulk disable wristbands

Bulk disable all the wristbands of the resulting people.

Bulk download planning XLSX

This generates a big XLS file containing planning information and the people in it.

Last updated