Availability reminder
Our availability reminder feature has been built to remind your members of a work day tomorrow. Once set up the platform will send out messages on a daily basis and is fully automated.
Membership reminder text message enabled?: Do you want to use this feature?
Only first workday: Do we only send a message if tomorrow is the first work day of this member? The next work days no message will be sent.
Only if at least one shift: Do we only send a message if the member has at least one work shift tomorrow?
Message: The actual content of the message that will be sent.
This text area supports variables.
The event carries the responsibility to make a guess on the length of the message and thereby how many message segments will be sent. To help calculate, use this tutorial.
Days: Pick the days a message should be sent. If a day is unchecked, we won't send a message if the person has to work that day.
Once set up, the platform will send the messages the day before a work day at noon(ish).
Text messages
This page shows you a list of sent messages and their status.
Last updated