Double confirmation

Just to make sure

This feature will allow you to collect members, create or edit their planning and request final confirmation about the schedule via email.

Our double confirmation is a great option for those events who

  • do not use the Gamma shiftpicker and would still like confirmation from the member about their working hours and jobs

  • make a lot of changes to the planning and want confirmation once they are ready for it

Enabled: Enable this feature. If you disable it, all buttons that cover "double confirmation" will be hidden from the views.

Reset confirmation if a moderator changes a shift?: If a member (or moderator) has confirmed the planning schedule and a moderator makes a change, should the platform reset the confirmation?

Reset confirmation if the member changes a shift?: Same as the previous setting, but when the member edits their planning. This might occur when a day or a job is removed.

Allow confirmation change after confirmed?: Once a member (or a moderator) has confirmed the planning, are they allowed to change their mind afterwards?

Lock after confirm?: After the member confirms their double confirmation, the platform will auto lock the membership.

Hide days without shifts?: Should a member be able to see days where they don't have a shift in their double confirmation view?


When requesting double confirmation of a planning schedule, the platform will send an email to the member. This email is customisable.

Email subject: The subject of the email the platform sends out.

This text field supports variables.

Email text: The body of the email.

This text area supports formatting and variables.

Email button: Customise the title of the button in the double confirmation email that directs them to their confirmation page.

There are default values if you leave subject, text or button empty.

Confirmation page

The double confirmation email contains a button that direct the member to their personal confirmation page. This page can also be customised.

Page text: The text at the top of this page.

This text area supports formatting and variables.

Last updated