Shift reminder

Our shift reminder feature has been built to remind your members of a shift. Once set up the platform will fully automated send out messages.


Shift reminder text message enabled?: Do you want to use this feature?

Hours before shift: Pick how many hours before the shift we should send the message. Will not be exact to the minute.

Only first shift of the day: Do we only send a message for the first work shift this member has? If yes, the other shifts of the day will trigger a notification.

Message: The actual content of the message that will be sent.

This text area supports variables.

The event carries the responsibility to make a guess on the length of the message and thereby how many message segments will be sent. To help calculate, use this tutorial.

Days: Pick the days a message should be sent. If a day is unchecked, we won't send a message if the person has to work that day.

Once set up, the platform will immediately start sending messages if there are any to be sent.

Text messages

This page shows you a list of sent messages and their status.

Last updated