Financial rewards
When your event pays out money
When adding a reward you have the option to set "Is financial?" to true. This brings a new field into view where an amount can be entered. This amount is the actual financial worth of this reward.
These financial rewards work in the same way as normal rewards. But using financial rewards open up another possibility to pay out these amounts.
You can find the following pages on top of the rewards index:
Financial summary
This page shows you an overview of all financial rewards per person. You have different columns that show you information:
Rewards given: The sum of financial reward amounts marked as "given" to this person.
Rewards paid out: The sum of financial reward amounts marked as "paid out" to this person.
Rewards to pay out: The amount still to pay out.
There is a condensed and a full page. On the full page you can see all rewards per user, but the page is a lot bigger.
Bank transfer file
Here you can create an XML bank transfer file you can upload to your bank. This type of file is used to prepare many bank transfers at once.
After filling out the data you can download the file with the blue button on the bottom of the page.
The setting "Merge all payments per user in one payment" gives you two options:
Make one payment per person. This payment is the total sum of financial reward amounts this person has been "given".
Make one payment per reward per person. This will result in potentially many payments per user but is a lot clearer.
This file format has been tested in the following Belgian bank(s):
Bank van Breda
The following things will not be included on the list:
Invalid IBAN bank account numbers
If amount to pay equals zero
Rewards not marked as 'given'
Rewards already marked as 'paid out'
Please note that by using this feature you acknowledge that the full responsibility of the content correctness of the file and any payments made with it is yours. It has already been battle-tested by many events.
Mark as paid
After uploading your file to the bank and paying the transactions, you can upload that file to Eventication again. The platform will process the transactions in that file and mark them as "paid".
Payouts overview
Here you can find and filter the list of payments made to people. Use this for your accountability or to do spot checks.
How to's
Last updated