Ticket rewards
Smart rewards that give out entry tickets
If you have a ticket integration, adding a new reward will present you with the option to make this a ticket reward. These will allow you to give your members rewards that result in actual entry tickets to the event. Only given rewards result in being able to download tickets.
Number of tickets
The receiver of this reward can download tickets. This number allows you to configure how many tickets they can download.
Ticket rewards need at least one of your ticket integration products linked to it. The platform will show you all products that are in use by your ticket integration on Eventication. Select those that you want the receiver of the reward to choose from. Can be one, can be all or a selection.
When one of these rewards is given to a person, an email will be automatically sent in the background informing the receiver. This email includes a link where the receiver can configure and download their ticket. The email has default values for subject, body and ticket button title, but you can customize them if you want.
Ticket email subject
The subject of the email.
Ticket email body
The body of the email.
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Ticket email button
The button title in the email. This button redirects to the page where the receiver can configure and download their tickets.
How to's
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