This page shows you the currencies your event has added to the anyKrowd platform. These currencies can be used to differentiate what people can buy with the top ups you do for them. Here are some examples:
EUR: A real currency where you can buy everything on your event with.
Press currency: The currency you use to top up the wristbands of the press people. This will probably be non-refundable and not allow them to buy merchandising with it.
VIP guest currency: Non refundable, but can buy drinks, food, merchandising, ...
Suppliers currency: The currency you use for your suppliers. They can buy drinks, but no merchandising or food as food is provided for them in the backstage catering tent.
Volunteers currency: This currency could be used for everything as a volunteer has worked to earn this financial reward. This is refundable, but allowing them to spend it on your festival will lower your costs significantly.
When you top up a wristband of a person, you will have to choose a currency. The anyKrowd platform syncronises the created currencies with Eventication. They also allow you to choose a default currency, which will be chosen by default with all new top ups. Select another currency if you want.
Our rewards with top ups also require you to choose a currency. All rewards that are marked as given will result in a top up with the selected currency.
Last updated