The main member index view in the context of Accreditation. This list shows data like:
Profile picture
Tags this person has
Wether they are checked in right now
Rating icon
Ability to sort the list
Ability to search by tag
Ability to search by name
The navigation of this page also shows you extra pages for settings.
Default settings, like the wristband title.
Default zones
The zones all members will be allowed to enter.
Filter for membership tickets: Want to limit who gets a ticket, based on a filter? This is the place to do it. If you select a filter, only the members that are in the result of that filter will be able to receive and download a ticket. If you leave this empty, there will be no extra filtering.
Tickets available for download from: Enter the date when you want the platform to allow downloading tickets. This will result in the tickets being visible in the "Files" tab of your members.
Send tickets via email from: Enter the date when you want the platform to start sending tickets via email to all your members. This system works in waves, sending a batch of ticket emails ± every 10 minutes. This email include a link where they can download the ticket.
Ticket email subject and body: Customise the ticket emails that are sent to your members.
Only show days on ticket where at least one shift?: If a person has days without a shift, should the platform print that day on the ticket?
Can download ticket only if at least one shift on the selected days?: In the next settings you can select days. The member should be available for at least one of these days. This setting also enforces that the member should have at least one shift on one of these days in order to download a ticket.
Days the member has to be available (one or more) to get a ticket: Select a couple of days, this setting will check if a member is available on at least one of these days. If yes, it will show the download button to the member.
Only print the selected days on ticket?: Should the platform print all the available days of the member on the ticket, or only the days the member is available from the selected days?
Ticket configuration: Select the ticket configuration you want to use.
Our automatic ticket sending feature for members does the following:
scans ±5 times per hour who should receive a ticket
will send out maximum 20 tickets per scan (contact us if you need more)
keeps scanning until the end of your event
every member will only receive this ticket email once
It will only send the ticket email if:
the person has at least one availability day, today or in the future
the person is in the event for +30 minutes
the member is not blocked
the email address still works
the person hasn't unsubscribed from event emails
Parking cards
Parking cards available from: The date from when members can download parking cards.
After these settings, this page includes the standard parking card settings to customise the ticket design.
Parking cards are customisable but can not be automatically sent via email.
Last updated