Need somebody to sign a document?
Many events need people to sign a contract before they start working. Documents is a great place to do this fully digitally.
Create a new document
When creating a new document you have to give it a name and pick a category.
These categories are the possible receivers of the document, like
visitors of a list form
The description is something that is shown where the document name shows up on the platform.
The body of the document is the actual text that is going to be aggreed to by signing it. This is translatable in the supported languages of the platform.
The body of the document allows you to add variables to the text. These variables will be replaced by actual values when the document is opened by the user. Examples of some of these variables are:
The name of the user{{today_with_day}}
The current date when the document is going to be signed{{company}}
The company of the user{{email}}
The email address of the user{{all_available_days}}
All the days the user is available for the event{{bank_account}}
The user's bank account number
You can find more variables under the body text area. Read more here.
Under the body text area there is another button where you can find formatting details. Formatting allows you to use titles, hyperlinks, bold & underscored text, etc. Read more here.
You can also edit document settings like where to show it and if the event logo should be printed on the top.
Certain documents are intended for access and signature by a specific group of individuals. Moving forward, you can apply a filter to your document to ensure only these selected people have access. If you mandate that the document must be signed before the ticket can be downloaded, the system will intelligently enforce this requirement solely for those identified by the filter.
As stated above, these documents can be signed. If you share the URL of the document with the user they are redirected to a page where the document is displayed with a signing zone at the bottom.
If on a touch screen (phone, tablet) the user can sign using their finger. On a normal computer they can use their mouse.
Documents can be signed digitally on our platform. But sometimes you have a less tech-savvy person who prints out the document, signs it manually, takes a picture and sends it back to you. This way you can upload that picture and the document will be marked as signed.
How to's
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