Time tracks
Automatically stop time tracks that are hooked to a shift
If a time track is still running at the end of a shift, the platform will stop that time track automatically. "Work completed?" will be set to true.
Default start time of time tracks is work start time
When this setting is enabled a new time track will have the start time of the work it is hooked up to. If the setting is off, the current time will be selected. If there is no work hooked to the time track, the current time will be selected anyways.
Action when starting a time track and not checked in
If a person is not checked in but you want to start a time track, what action should be taken by the platform? Your options are:
start time track & automatic check-in
start time track & no check-in
don't start time track & show message
This last setting can be customised for members and per list. Let the platform work for you.
Automatically stop time tracks at event checkout?
When a person checks out of the event, should the system stop all running time tracks automatically at that exact same time? "Work completed" will be set to true.
Automatically stop running time tracks at hour
If you select an hour in this configuration, the platform will automatically stop all time tracks that are currently running.
Last updated