Hard work pays off
Last updated
Hard work pays off
Last updated
Use our rewards system when you offer something the person can keep and should not return.
You can assign rewards to a person. This means this person has the right to receive it, but hasn't yet. Using the reward overview you can easily see how many rewards you have to forsee.
After assigning when you give the person the reward you can mark it as given. This means you physically handed the reward over. Our checkin pages have fast access buttons to mark rewards as given.
Use filters to automate a reward. The results of this filter will automatically have that reward assigned to them. Even if the results change (you changed the filter parameters, ...) our platform will automatically adjust the list of people who have the reward assigned to them.
Automated rewards are displayed with a robot icon.
Once a reward has been marked as "given", the platform will never unassign it. Only supermoderators can "ungive" a given reward.
Automated rewards can still be assigned to people who are not in the filter results. Every event has their exceptions.
This page allows you to delete the reward, or mark it as given to all recepients the reward has been assigned to, automatically or manually.
Here are some good examples of rewards our events have created:
Day Ticket: When a person works on Friday, they can receive a free entrance ticket for Saturday.
Water Bottle: Everybody is given one water bottle if they work at least one shift over the whole event.
Bar T-Shirt: All crew that has at least one shift in a bar receives a special bar t-shirt.
Orange Jacket Parking Crew: Everybody who has a shift at the parking is given an orange jacket. This jacket was a gift they can keep. If the jackets are supposed to be returned, use our Stock module.
Drink Card 20/02: A good example of a reward that should only be used for one day. If you need multiple drinking cards (for example one per work day), you can create as many as you like with the actual date in the name of the reward. Use filters and reward automation to automate these, saves you a bunch of work.
Branded Hoodie: One of our events gave branded hoodies to the people who worked at least 10 hours during the whole festival. They used our filters with clever parameter so the platform could do all calculations for them, even when things changed.