
Emails and stuff

Show form description in emails: Moderators can add descriptions to forms. This setting controls if you want those descriptions to be added to the emails.

Show allowance numbers in emails?: Do you want to show the allowance numbers in the emails that are sent to the forms?

Show allowance numbers in emails before approval?: Same as above, only this controls if it is sent even when the form hasn't been approved yet.

An example of allowance numbers:

  • Sunday, July 5, 2020: 5 attendees & 1 vehicle allowed.

  • Monday, July 6, 2020: 4 attendees & 1 vehicle allowed.

  • Tuesday, July 7, 2020: 2 attendees & 2 vehicles allowed.


You are allotted 2 day(s) for people and 5 day(s) for vehicles to enter the event, spread over the allowed days as you see fit.

Custom subject for notify and reminder-email: The subject you want the emails to have when we notify a new form (moderator created) or when a reminder email is sent to the form.

Custom message for notify-email: The body of the email when we notify a new form (moderator created).

This text area supports formatting and variables.

Reminder emails configuration: Configure if reminder emails should be sent. These emails are sent automatically within the last 3 days that the form is still editable.


  • Always: Always send a reminder email, even if approved, if people are already added, ... We will not send if the form is not editable anymore.

  • If empty: Only send reminder emails if there are no people or vehicles in the form

  • Never: Do not send any reminder emails

Custom message for reminder-email: Customise the reminder email body.

This text area supports formatting and variables.

Show form edit end date in emails?: The person that fills the form can see a date until when this form can be edited in their emails. This checkmark allows you to hide this.

Last updated