Rewards with tickets
Use your ticket integration to give tickets to your members
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Use your ticket integration to give tickets to your members
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Let's give you an example on how you can reward your members with tickets.
Imagine you want to give out 2 day-tickets to all the people who worked at least 3 days during the build up period.
These people MUST have checked in on the days they worked.
You do not want to manually assign this reward but leverage the platform's automation capabilities to do this work for you.
Make sure you have a working .
Go to General -> .
Start creating a new reward.
Select "members" as the reward category.
The next step will show you if you want a normal reward, OR if you want reward that is linked with the ticket integration. The name of the ticket integration will be displayed. Select that.
In the next step you can configure the normal data like Name and Description, but below that you can actually configure specific ticket stuff.
Set the Number of tickets to 2.
Select a couple of product the receiver can choose from. If you select only one product, the receiver can choose 2 tickets of that product.
Customize the ticket email subject, body and button title to your liking.
Go to the page.
Create a new filter and give it a name, something like Rewards for builders.
Go to the filter parameters.
Click on Add a parameter.
Select the parameter checked in on certain number of days.
Select all the build up days.
In Minimum number, enter 3.
In Maximum number you do not need to put anything. If the person worked more days, they still only get 2 tickets.
Save the parameter.
The results page will show you the number of people who have checked in at least 3 days during the build up period.
Click the Automate button on top of the page.
Select Rewards and click on the reward we created a couple of steps ago.
Your reward has been created, ticket products have been attached and the reward has been automated. From now on the platform will assign this reward to people automatically. For now, nobody can access their tickets, as the rewards have not been given yet.
If you want to attach this reward to a person manually (even when it's already automated), that works too!
Assign a new reward to this member. Pick the reward we just created.
You can mark the reward as given from different locations on the platform
On the profile page of the member
On the checkin page of the member
In bulk, using our filter actions
Once the reward is marked as given, the member will receive an email informing them about it. That's the customized email we created a few of steps ago. When the member clicks that button, they are brought to a page where they can see which reward(s) gives them tickets. There's also a couple of counters showing how many are already used and the total of tickets.
If you mark multiple rewards as given, the member will only receive 1 email per 10 minutes. That means if you quickly give out 2 ticket rewards, only one email will be sent. We do not want to spam the inbox and the link in those emails is always the same.
If the member starts choosing tickets they are bound to the limits you have set, so in this case 2 day-tickets out of all the products you selected. Once they made their choice they will see a download button to get their actual ticket PDFs.
And that’s it! You just automated the rewarding of your hardest workers.
Go to a member's .