Events page
A personal events page for your company
The events page of your company can be customised.
Is online: Do you want the events page to be online?
Is secret: Do you want the URL to be very hard to guess? This way only people with that exact URL can see the events page.
Only for logged-in users: Can unregistered (or not-logged-in) users see your events page?
Logo: The logo you want to use for the left sidebar of your events page.
Description: The description you want to show about your company on the left side of the events page.
This text area supports formatting.
Per event you can select if this event should show up on the company events page or not.
Hide old events?: If the last event day is yesterday, the event will automatically be removed from the events index page. The platform will scan all events every couple of hours and do this work for you.
Note that if you have this setting turned on and manually set an event to show on the page again, after a couple of hours this event will be set offline again.
Last updated